Do you want to learn a brief, effective therapy that can resolve PTSD while also protecting yourself, the therapist, from vicarious trauma?
Radical Exposure Tapping (RET) is a form of exposure therapy that can be used to quickly and effectively resolve memories of disturbing events that fuel anxiety, fears, emotional reactivity and patterns of escalating conflict. In less than ten sessions, clients can resolve many of the disturbing memories that have kept them trapped in symptoms of PTSD and therapists can remain protected from the vicarious trauma experienced in regular talk therapy.
RET offers a clear and rigorous protocol that allows the therapist to map the important memories and help the client systematically resolve them. The speed at which this resolution occurs is exhilarating. Clients experience hope and peace as their trauma symptoms resolve. Therapists experience a sense of achievement and fulfilment. Clients spend less time in therapy and therapists are available to help more clients.
If you a therapist who feels burned out or emotionally fatigued from your work with traumatized clients, RET may be a solution
When clients change slowly or not at all, therapists feel powerless and demoralized. While bearing witness to memories of disturbing or harrowing events, therapists themselves can experience vicarious trauma. Some of the most talented and compassionate therapists may eventually withdraw from this work.
Who can attend RET training?
If you are a therapist with professional qualifications (social work, psychology, psychiatry) you can register for training in Radical Exposure Tapping. In two interactive, skill based, workshops, of 13 hours each, you will learn a way of working that has the potential of transforming your practice.
Dr Laurie MacKinnon developed RET by taking elements of two forms of intervention, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and combining them in a unique way.
Over several years she analysed and perfected this method and produced hundreds of videos of live sessions with the goal of empowering other clinicians to use these skills. Since 2012, she has taught RET to over 1500 mental health practitioners all over Australia and internationally,

Video Learning
Therapists learn best when trainers demonstrate skills.
Laurie demonstrates the therapist's skills in Radical Exposure Tapping using videos of real people working on real issues.
RET training includes a range of videos from over 200 videos in Laurie's collection.
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Introducing RET 2
Are you looking for an RET practitioner?
This site provides information about RET training and is for professional therapists.
If you want to book a session with Laurie, please visit Insite Therapy & Consulting.