This workshop teaches the basics of Radical Exposure Tapping and demonstrates how this approach can be used to quickly and effectively resolve memories of disturbing events that fuel PTSD, anxiety, fears, emotional reactivity and patterns of escalating conflict.
This workshop is designed for professionals with training and experience in counselling and offers hands-on clinical training and practice for integrating Radical Exposure Tapping into a counselling framework.
Theoretically, this workshop:
Outlines and critiques common therapeutic approaches to working with trauma.
Shows how traumatic experiences contribute to symptoms and to emotional reactivity in relationships.
Describes how traumatic memories differ from ordinary memories.
Explains the neurobiology of how memories are formed.
Draws on research about memory reconsolidation to underpin a theoretical understanding of Radical Exposure Tapping
Participants learn how to:
Screen for depression, anxiety and PTSD symptoms
Elicit from the client the components of a traumatic memory
Create imaginal exposure to the traumatic memory
Use Radical Exposure Tapping to quickly reduce arousal and transform traumatic memories into ordinary memories.
This skills-based workshop alternates between lecture, group discussion, dyadic and small group practice and observing videos of actual therapy sessions with real clients. The training is experiential and requires participants to take the role of both therapist and client. In the client role, participants choose real issues and gain personal experience of the benefit of the approach.