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Laurie MacKinnon PhD  


PhD (Social Work) (1992)  University of Sydney, Australia.

MSW (1979) BSW (1977) University of Calgary, Canada.

Grad. Cert. Dispute Resolution, (Law) (2001) UTS, Sydney.

Cert. lV Workplace Training & Assessment (2002) Macquarie College



MacKinnon, L. (1998). Trust and Betrayal in the Treatment of Child Abuse,

Guilford Press, New York,  NY.


MacKinnon, L.  & James, K. (1992). Setting the Stage for Successful Therapy in Child at Risk Cases, Fast Books, Glebe.




Ratnamohan, L,  MacKinnon, L,  et al  (2018) ) Ambushed by Memories of Trauma: Memory-Processing Interventions in an Adolescent Boy with Nocturnal Dissociative Episodes. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 26(4):228-236


MacKinnon, L. (2014). Deactivating the Buttons: Integrating Radical Exposure Tapping with a Family Therapy Framework. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 35, 244-260.


MacKinnon, L. (2012). The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics: An Interview with Bruce Perry. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 3, 201-218.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2012). Family Therapy and Trauma. Editorial, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 3, 187-188.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2012). Integrating a Trauma Lens into a Family Therapy Framework: Ten Principles for Family Therapists. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 3, 189-209.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2011). Establishing the Parental Hierarchy: An Integration of Milan Systemic and Structural Family Therapy. In P. Rhodes and Wallis, A. (Eds.). Working With Families: A Practical Guide. IP Communication, East Hawthorn, Victoria.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (2011). The Why and How of Separate Parent Sessions in Family Therapy. In P. Rhodes and Wallis, A. (Eds.). Working With Families: A Practical Guide. IP Communication, East Hawthorn, Victoria.


James, K. and MacKinnon, L. (2010). Tip of the Iceberg: A Framework for Identifying Non-physical Abuse in Couple and Family Relationships. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy; 22:112-129.


MacKinnon, L. (2008).   Hurting without Hitting:  Verbal, Emotional and Psychological Abuse. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House. Stakeholder Paper 4. UNSW Press, Sydney.


MacKinnon, L. (1993). Systems in Settings:  the Therapist as Power Broker. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 14,3.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1992). Raising the Stakes in Child-at-Risk Cases: Eliciting and Maintaining Client Motivation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy,13, 2, 59-71.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K.(1992).  Working with ‘the Welfare’ in Child at Risk Cases. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 13,1, 1-15.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K . (1991). Initial Meetings in Child-at-Risk Cases: Developing a Therapist-Family Alliance. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 12,4,71-185.


James, K. & MacKinnon, L. (1990). The Incestuous Family Revisited:  A Critical Analysis of Family Therapy Myths. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 16(1), 71-88.


MacKinnon, L. (1988). Openings: Using Questions Therapeutically. Dulwich Center Newsletter, Winter,15-18.


MacKinnon, L. & James, K. (1987). Theory and Practice of the Milan Systemic Approach. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 8,2,89-98.


MacKinnon, L. (1986). Supervision, and Supervision of Supervision, One Perspective. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 7, 3, 133-139.


MacKinnon, L. & Miller, D. (1985). The Sexual Component in Family Therapy: A Feminist Perspective. Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality, 3, 81-101.


MacKinnon, L. & Marlett, N. (1984). A Social Action Perspective: The Disabled and Their Families in Context. In Coppersmith, E. (ed) Family Therapy Collections: Families With Handicapped Members.  Aspen Publications, Rockville, M.D.


MacKinnon, L. & Miller, D. (1984). The New Epistemology and the Milan Approach: Feminist and Socio-Political Implications. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 13, 2,139-155.


MacKinnon, L., Parry, A. & Black, R. (1984). Strategies of Family Therapy: The Relationship to Styles of Family Functioning. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapy 3, 3, 6-22.


MacKinnon, L. (1983). Contrasting Strategic and Milan Therapies. Family Process, 22, 425-441.

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